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Keep Your Vacuum Working Like New

Aug 4, 2014 | Upholstery Cleaning

keep your vacuum working carpet cleaning

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A vacuum is an important investment to keep your home clean and impressive. Here at Complete Chem-Dry of Lake Orion we understand this and know how important it is to keep your vacuum functioning properly to save you time and money. For this reason, we have compiled a few tips to help you keep your vacuum functioning properly.

Although some vacuums can go through a lot before they break, every device has a limit, and eventually will lose the power it once had. We know how important it is to keep a clean home, but excessive vacuuming can actually shortchange your device’s life span. This blog is created to help you know when you need to turn to the professionals here at Complete Chem-Dry of Lake Orion when your carpet needs a deep clean—and thus, save yourself money, time and your vacuum’s life span in the process!

Vacuuming Moist Carpet Will Shorten Your Device’s Life

Rugs, upholstery, and carpets often get replaced, while your trustworthy vacuum gets overused and abused. Don’t be afraid to replace your vacuum. Even if you have a small family with no pets your vacuum surely gets plenty of wear and tear. Many people cause great damage to their vacuum by using it as their only form of deep carpet cleaning. Save your vacuum and call the professionals for the deep cleaning every couple of months.

Vacuuming moist carpet will likely damage your carpet, and in many cases can be a death wish for your device. From a small water spill to a floor leak below the surface of your carpet, moisture causes erosion, mildew, and mold inside your vacuum. In fact, if you’re prone to vacuuming your carpets several times a week (or just simply on the weekends) your vacuum could be on its last leg. If you find yourself in a situation where moist carpet needs to be cleaned enlist the help of professional carpet cleaners, they can do the cleaning job your vacuum can’t.

How Do You Know If Your Carpet Is In Good Health?

One of the most important factors to keeping your carpet healthy and your vacuum functioning is getting your carpet cleaned professionally. Carpets are an important investment for a house, and it is important to keep them in the best shape possible. Don’t depend simply on your vacuum to suck up all of the dirt, food, and pet stains. Vacuums are unable to get most of the invisible threats that enter your house. For instance, many allergens that cause your children to sneeze and have itchy eyes stay in your house regardless of how many time you vacuum. Your vacuum also isn’t made to clean deep down in your carpets fibers, getting rid of pet hair and odor which has seeped into the crevices of your flooring.

The best way to maintain a truly healthy home is a twofold process. Vacuuming is essential to keep your carpets looking great on a daily basis. But, for a truly deep clean that will eliminate all those “accidents” over time that you have forgotten about, trust Chem-Dry to do the job. To expand the life cycle of your carpets and your vacuum, trust the world’s leading carpet cleaning professionals with job!

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